Dieses Bild zeigt Mayar Elfares

Mayar Elfares

Frau M.Sc.

Ph.D. Student
Institute of Information Security
jointly with the Institute for Visualization and Interactive Systems (Prof. Bulling).


Pfaffenwaldring 5a
70569 Stuttgart
Raum: 01.025

  1. 2024

    1. Mayar Elfares, Pascal Reisert, Zhiming Hu, Wenwu Tang, Ralf Küsters, und Andreas Bulling, „PrivatEyes: Appearance-based Gaze Estimation Using Federated Secure Multi-Party Computation“, Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact., Bd. 8, Nr. ETRA, Mai 2024.
    2. Mayar Elfares, Pascal Reisert, Zhiming Hu, Wenwu Tang, Ralf Küsters, und Andreas Bulling, „PrivatEyes: Appearance-based Gaze Estimation Using Federated Secure Multi-Party Computation“, arXiv, Technical Report 2402.18970, 2024.
  2. 2022

    1. Mayar Elfares, Zhiming Hu, Pascal Reisert, Andreas Bulling, und Ralf Küsters, „Federated Learning for Appearance-based Gaze Estimation in the Wild“, NeurIPS 2022 Workshop GMML, 2022.
    2. Mayar Elfares, Zhiming Hu, Pascal Reisert, Andreas Bulling, und Ralf Küsters, „Federated Learning for Appearance-based Gaze Estimation in the Wild“, arXiv, Technical Report 2211.07330, 2022.

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